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Music Lessons

Music lessons for all levels are offered by Tom Frear, the studio owner! Why not learn from someone who is in the trenches, making music that makes cash money, and touring? Tom is known for being able to play multiple instruments and play them well. It's like he's a savant. He's currently the drummer of Kenny Feidler and the Cowboy Killers. They're streaming at the millions on Spotify.


You'll learn how to operate recording software as well as how to edit, mix, master, and perform. Next thing you know, you're a full on producer. 


If you know how to play and read music, but aren't skilled enough to create your own unique sound, this is a good choice for you. These lessons will teach you how to create variety in existing compositions and melodies.


If you want to learn how to write music, these are the lessons for you. Get on the same level as the pros with these lessons. Did we mention we're gunning to hone the talent of a future grammy winner out of this studio? Learn to write music, write, and come to us when you're ready to record!


Bass, drums, piano, ukelele.


If you've been wanting to learn any of these instruments, I'm your guy. 


For those who want a solid fundamental knowledge of music. This is the best way to understand music to it's core. If you're serious, you'll want to know your music theory so that you can read music fluently easily identifying structures and patterns. You'll be a wiz when it comes to memorizing large sections and improvising.

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